Wellness Program
Wellness Program
for Cal High Students
Mission Statement: The Cal High staff commits to supporting our students’ academic growth as well as their social-emotional needs, in order to support our students’ abilities to excel on and off-campus, with clear heads and hearts.
The goal of the program is to help students succeed academically and personally, by increasing their awareness of stress and social-emotional health, educating them about the many resources available within our campus and District, and teaching them various preventative strategies, activities, and choices they can make to sustain positive mental health.
Four Focus Areas of Cal High student Wellness - We have chosen to focus on helping students keep the following four components in balance. For example, many of our A.P. students - those taking many Advanced Placement classes - need reminders that in order to be sustainable, successful students, they can't focus only on academics all the time, and ignore their social-emotional health. For other students, they may need to focus more on academics, positive social skills, or getting enough sleep (physical health).
The Wellness team is comprised of teachers, counselors, administrators, as well as the District's Student Well-Being Liaison, and the counselors at our Serenity Center. We also use anonymous surveys of students in order to gather information for future interventions. For example, the therapy dogs idea came from the students. If students want to access the free counseling available through the Serenity Center, they simply need to get a referral from their Guidance Counselor. To schedule an appointment with your counselor, call 562-698-8121, x3030.
If you'd like to call the Serenity Center directly, to inquire about the services they provide, they can be reached at x3229.
For further information about our Wellness Team, please click here to be directed to the Student Well-Being Program web page.