Coach Lee: Girls' Tennis

Hello new girls interested in joining Cal High Tennis,


Thank you for your interest in joining the team to contribute to our school.  I will be going over information in regards to joining the team, summer workouts, athletic clearance, and tryouts.  


Before I get to the details about summer practice and tryouts, I want you to know that summer practice with the team is optional.  I understand that some of you may have summer school, family plans, or a job.  Also, because things are not back to normal due to Covid 19, I understand that some of you may not feel comfortable being in group settings.  If you plan on being on the team but can’t or won’t attend summer practice, then you are expected to work out and practice on your own to get yourself up to competitive level with your skills and fitness.  This does not mean you getting out doing whatever and just putting in time, you need to put in effective work to learn the skills to elevate you to the next level and doing exercises that will improve your tennis fitness.

Summer practice:  

Due to Covid 19 restrictions, summer practice will be more like tennis lessons/clinics.  As a team, we will not be able to put in as much time so you are expected to practice on your own with my guidance and instruction.  Keep in mind that changes can happen at any time so be ready for things to move forward looking more like normal as well as tighter restrictions kicking in if the infection rates increase.


I will continue to keep summer activities within the first 6 weeks of summer break/summer school time.  I will continue to respect your time to actually have a summer break so those who attend summer school can actually have time off with no school and sports to be able to have that family time.  For my own sanity, mental health, and family time I am keeping that schedule; therefore, summer tennis activities will end July 17.  Because the first two weeks have been designated as the dead period, we will have to get our practice in a shorter period of time.  

Athletic Clearance:

You need to get athletically cleared by Monday, June 29.  This is when the school plans on beginning with summer practice for fall sports if the CDC, county, and district give us the approval.  So get it done to be ready.  If you need the forms and instructions, they can be found at the school website under activities.

Summer Survey:

Please complete the Google form so I can get a head count, availability, and intention.  This is very important because of Covid 19 restrictions with the number of people gathering for group activities.  I need accurate numbers for me to plan groups for the different practice sessions.  

new players summer survey


June 18-26:

Workouts and practice on your own.  I will be posting videos for tennis skills and workouts on this web page.   You will watch the videos to practice shadow swinging and moves for shots; this is to prepare you for hitting those shots correctly when the time comes to be back on the courts to hit.  When we get onto the courts, my expectation is to practice hitting those shots with some corrections from me, not for me to reteach the skills. You can record yourself for me to give you constructive feedback. 

June 29-July 10:

This is only the plan based on how things are going with Covid 19 restrictions.  If the CDC, county, and district give us the clearance to move forward we will be able to hit on the courts with restrictions.  You will be put into small groups based on your level to do hitting drills which means we will have multiple practice times for each group.  Essentially our practice time will be divided up into smaller chunks of time for each group so you will only attend part of the time for instruction.  

You must be athletically cleared to participate in this.

Please complete the Google form “new players summer survey” ASAP to help me plan groups.  If you don’t fill out the form you can not attend because you need to be put into a group because of number restrictions.  I will let you know your practice times when we get closer to this date after I get the survey results.

July 13-17:

Tryouts part 1.  I will be testing your tennis skills and fitness to determine if you will be in the program and tennis class if you need PE.  You must attend if you are to be on the team and/or in the tennis class.  If you can’t or won’t attend summer practice, you still need to make time to attend the tryouts in order to be in the program. 


As of right now, I have no idea how the season will go or if there will even be one.  We are waiting on Covid 19 restrictions to ease up or lifted to know what we will be allowed to do but here is the plan.  The week we return to school in the fall will be tryouts for spots. Everything is to be determined.  Just be ready.  


You can contact me through email or Remind text with any questions. The Remind text code for summer tennis is @dagh88.

Coach Lee

June 18-Day 1 workout and skills
June 19-Day 2 workout and skills
June 22-Day 3 workout and skills
June 23-Day 4 workout and skills
Work out 1 again:workout 1 video
June 24-Day 5 workout and skills
Workout 2 again: workout 2 video
June 25-Day 6 workout and skills
Warm up and stretching videos