Summer School

California High School

Summer School 2024

REGISTRATION:  Please email your student's Counselor - Guidance Office

  • Students MUST attend in-person everyday.  Students absent from the first day of Summer School may be dropped from their classes and other students will be added in their place.
  • Attendance will be taken twice a day and students are expected to be at school each day. 
  • Each Session = One class
    • Some courses will be offered as a 6 week (year long) courses only. Students will receive notification of this if they are scheduled for a class that falls into this category.
    • I.e. Students scheduled into Art, PE, Gov./Econ., or Spanish 2 will be scheduled into 2 sections.  They must take both sections to receive credit.
  • Student will need to bring their device every day in class. If you need a device please contact your counselor or the Curriculum office.