Attendance Info

                                                         Andrew Alvarado, Student Engagement Specialist (Ext. 3042) 
Mariuxi Vargas, Administrative Clerk - Senior (Ext. 3040)
Dolores Collazo,  Administrative Clerk (Ext. 3041)
Maria Germany,  Attendance Caller (Ext. 3041)
The attendance voicemail system (562-698-8121 ext: 3040/3041) should be used to clear absences onlyPlease DO NOT leave messages to pick up student/s for early release.

Students are expected to attend school daily and are not allowed to leave campus during the school day without an off-campus permit. (Ed Code 48260, 48264.5a, 48260, & 48900 k)
It is the parent’s obligation to compel the attendance of the pupil. Students who are not in school during school hours (i.e. truant) may receive a citation, which can cost the family from $200 to $600. 
When returning to school from an absence, the student should:
  1. Bring a note signed by a parent/guardian
  2. A parent needs to clear the absence by calling the attendance office and leaving appropriate information regarding the absence.
  3. Upon returning to campus, students will first go to the Attendance Dept for a 're-admit slip'. The 're-admit slip' will then allow students to attend classes as usual. 
  1. Absences that are not cleared within one week will convert to truancy and Saturday school will be assigned.
  2. A student is considered chronically absent if they are absent on 10% or more of the school days in the school year.
  3. Students with 10 or more illness-related excused absences will be subject to obtain a doctor’s note for subsequent illness-related absences.
  4. An automatic caller and/or attendance clerk will call parents/ guardians to report each period absence. It is the family’s responsibility to make sure the school has an accurate phone number to reach a parent or guardian at all times.
  5. Students with excessive absences/truancies are subject to being placed on an attendance contract.
  • Illness absence with a doctor's note or authorization by an authorized school official.
  • Exclusion from school, documented by a doctor, school nurse, or other authorized school official.
  • Medical appointments, verified by a note from the doctor.
  • Quarantine of the home.
  • Spending time with a member of the pupil's immediate family who is an active duty member of the uniformed services, and has been called to duty for, is on leave from, or has immediately returned from, deployment to a combat zone or combat support position.
  • Funeral of an immediate family member of the student (2 days in-state, 3 days out-of-state).
  • Written verification of personal reasons, such as;
    • Court appearances
    • Observance or attendance of religious holidays, ceremonies, or retreat
    • Attendance at an employment conference
    • Attendance at an educational conference
    • Government agency appointments
    • Attendance at political or civic event (requires prior notification, once per school year)   
  • A truant is a student who is absent from school without a valid excuse for three full days in one school year, or tardy for more than any given 30-minute period during the school day without a valid excuse on three occasions in one school year or any combination thereof.
  • Habitual truants are subject to becoming a ward of the court, performing community service, payment of a fine, attendance at a court-approved truancy prevention program and/or may have their driving privileges suspended or revoked.
  • Students with excessive absences/truancies are subject to being placed on an attendance contract.
  • A Saturday School will be assigned for every full day truancy or four-period cuts.
  • Students who do not attend Saturday School may be assigned a one-day OCS/Viewpoint the following Monday. Students may also receive a citation.
  • Students who refuse to attend Saturday School to clear absences may be prohibited from attending school dances and other activities
Off-Campus permits are issued for medical appointments and personal matters that can’t be handled after school hours. Students must present a signed note from a parent/guardian to the Attendance Office before school, at nutrition, or at lunch. Alternatively, a parent/guardian may call in or visit the office for a student release. At that time, an off-campus permit will be issued. PLEASE ALLOW 15 MINUTES FOR YOUR STUDENT(S) TO ARRIVE AT THE FRONT OFFICE. Students must show off-campus passes to teachers in order to leave at the specified time. Students are to leave campus through the main gate between the CHS library and the T building (permission of security on duty) facing Hawes Ave.